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Poster: Fiskerdin at 2007-07-27 01:37:36
Subject: [2.1.0] Changing Screenshot format
As of 2.1.0 WoW will now automatically save your screenshots as .jpg, i.e. JPG format. This will cut down size immensely, but it will also cut out some details due to JPG being a lossy format. I've heard a lot of people requesting if it's possible to change the format which screenshots are saved in, for those people who want to change the forma back to TGA you'll have to do the following (when 2.1.0 is out)

/console screenshotFormat tga
/console screenshotQuality 10

You can also look for the 2 lines in

SET screenshotFormat <value>
SET screenshotQuality <value>

Change them to what you want and start the game.

Both commands are important, the screenshotQuality is set to 3, which makes it look like a JPG, but in TGA format.

So this concludes my guide on how to change to TGA when 2.1.0 hits, and if you want it back to normal you can use these commands:

/console screenshotFormat jpg
/console screenshotQuality 3

Optionally you could could create an addon utilizing this, using SetCVar ( )

Edit: Some screenshots(I converted the TGA's to png because of imageshack)

JPG with screenshotQuality 1 -
JPG with screenshotQuality 10 -
TGA with screenshotQuality 1 -
TGA with screenshotQuality 10 -

Edit: It should be noted that Mac can choose between .tga .jpg and .png so using screenshotformat png is valid on the Mac client.

[ Post edited by Fiskerdin ]
Poster: Aeus at 2007-07-27 01:37:36
Subject: Re: [2.1.0] Changing Screenshot format
This was linked in the UI Sticky compilation:

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