Poster: Matrayn at 8/23/2006 6:11:31 PM PDT Subject: Account hacked - transfer
My account was hacked and was transfered server, and named seems to be changed. I was wondering if i could have my account transfered and characters name put back in place, if not for free (which i belive should be) pay the 25$ fee even though the transfer has not been 6 months, my account was hacked not transfered because of choice but because someone is an @$%!@%&.
Poster: Batta at 8/23/2006 6:24:36 PM PDT Subject: Re: Account hacked - transfer
If you believe your account to have become compromised, please submit an in-game petition to us as soon as possible. You will want to review the information relevant to this subject in our FAQ sticky as well: