Poster: Autobots at 8/14/2006 10:17:22 AM PDT Subject: I'm not sure were to post this, toon deleted. |
I feel like an absolute retard, but I was trying to think of new names to use for me and a friend that wanted to have toons with dual names (i.e. Law & Order, etc) but by mistake I deleted my main (comp lag, rushing the delete toon process, big mistake on my part)
Where would I go to get it back?
60 Rogue
60 Priest
60 Mage
| | | | Poster: Caerrus at 8/14/2006 10:21:19 AM PDT Subject: Re: I'm not sure were to post this, toon deleted. |
Please submit an in-game petition as soon as possible so that a Game Master may be able to assist you in restoring your deleted character. Try to include all of the following information in your petition, to better assist the GM (and expedite the process):
- Character Name
- Realm your character is on
- Level, Class and Race of the Character
- Acknowledgement that you would like to use one of the limited restorations available to restore the character.
For more information on restorations, please read through the following thread:
I hope this helps, Autobots! Good luck with your restoration. :)
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...
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