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Poster: Rathali at 8/13/2006 11:09:52 PM PDT
Subject: char transfer isuse
   i recently transfered my main character(60 rogue) onto anew account so that id have more room for alts etc but left her on the same server she was on..

my understanding was the 6 month server transfer was to stop transfering of gold and items, and ninja looting every other week.

my guild is on the verge of a breakdown and i am left stuck on this server due to the 6 month transfer cooldown, i dont see the purpose of a cooldown if i hadnt swapped servers at al, but just accounts
Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 11:38:28 PM PDT
Subject: Re: char transfer isuse
   The 6-month cooldown on the Paid Character Transfer service applies equally to account-to-account and realm-to-realm transfers, Rathali, and I'm afraid that there are no means by which you may transfer that character again until the cooldown expires. I do apologise, however, for any confusion you may have been caused; I wish you the best, friend. :)
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 11:44:24 PM PDT
Subject: Re: char transfer isuse

Q u o t e:
Everyone is your friend, Pav.. I don't feel special anymore. =(

Well, err... you're my only friend named Rolus? ^^;
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