Poster: Undeadman at 8/13/2006 10:17:38 PM PDT Subject: Would I get banned for afking in BG? |
I PvP alot in BGs but once in awhile, I would just click a spell once every 4min or so to keep myself from afking. People hated me for not playing and reported me. Can I get banned for doing this repeatedly? [ post edited by Undeadman ]
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Poster: Batta at 8/14/2006 12:30:56 PM PDT Subject: Re: Would I get banned for afking in BG? |
So long as you are physically at your keyboard when playing in a Battleground, what you do with your time is your choice (unless you are violating any other portion of our Terms of Use). As it stands now (which may or may not be subject to change), no one is forced to participate in a Battlegrounds match. For one thing, what constitutes participation can vary on many levels; say, if a person chooses to run around killing Harpies in Alterac Valley for three hours. The Game Master staff will not actively police Battlegrounds to ensure each player is participating as a team player on an acceptable level.
With all of this being said, I must say you have more to worry about than the attention of the Game Master staff, Undeadman. Consider while leeching reputation that your own is being tarnished. This may or may not be something you care about; though, it sounds as if you know what you're doing is detestable and simply want to make sure you keep your account. My only concern is, if you have to spend time in a Battleground and you must be at your keyboard, why not just play the game? Some people, myself included, enjoy PvP and working together with other members of our faction.
The earth died screaming while I lay dreaming of you
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Poster: Batta at 8/14/2006 12:56:37 PM PDT Subject: Re: Would I get banned for afking in BG? |
Q u o t e: I did all of 2 AV matches on my Warrior, the intent solely to get the Ice Barbed Spear. The first match, I was on a dead end, the second match we won and I got the spear. I never intend to return to AV because I hate PvP.
PvP loves you and wants you to know he misses the long sunset walks on the beach you were able to share on that serene summer Sunday.
Don't be a stranger to PvP, Kris. = )
The earth died screaming while I lay dreaming of you
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