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Poster: Delaric at 8/13/2006 8:08:01 PM PDT
Subject: Transfering to europe- History follows?
   Hello. I have been playing WoW since release and since then, have been making mistakes one after the other.

Quite simply, I have give away MANY accounts under my name. Most recent 6 months ago. All these accounts have my name, have had my credit cards- address etc..

I overthink many things often thats why I panic and just give up. I keep thinking if the accounts I gave away get banned- It will be traced to an account I am currently working on and it will get shutdown. Not even blizzard over the phone has told me that this isnt impossible. I dont think it should be but whatever.

So basically I cannot play without thinking this and I give up..

If I switch to euro servers, is it different? Will my past on US follow me and if I get banned on US, could it trace over to euro? (SOUNDS VERY stupid, but I have to ask)

Basically - If I switch to euro, is it a fresh start, almost like its my first time playing?

If a GM does answer to this, could you answer as if you were right beside me.. Its pretty annoying when GMs start copy and pasting things from the terms of use and address NOTHING that I have asked which is what happens 90% of the time..
Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 10:52:55 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Transfering to europe- History follows?
   I realise that you specifically requested that I not make reference to the Terms of Use, Delaric, but I'm afraid that is where the answer to your question lies; I have little choice but to use that to corroborate my answer. The short answer is that you are the registered user on all of those accounts, whether it is you or another person actually playing on them. It is your name with which they are associated, and -- according to the Terms of Use to which you have agreed -- you are responsible for everything that occurs on those accounts:

Q u o t e:
You may not share the Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one (1) minor child to use the Account when not in use by you. You are liable for all uses of the Account. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, you acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other property interest in the Account, and you further acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to the Account are and shall forever be owned by Blizzard Entertainment.

Also, bear in mind that Blizzard Entertainment upholds the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement equally regardless of the region you happen to be playing in; if you breach the contracts to which you must adhere, or if someone else does so on an account registered to you, it is you who shall ultimately be subject to the repercussions.

Q u o t e:
You guys can see if someone else logs into your account because of there IP, DNS or whatever. So what if I went on vacation, played on a different computer and connection. Wouldnt you guys assume Im letting someone from another place login to my account?

You may rest assured that more than mere geographic location is taken into consideration when determining whether an account has been shared, Delaric; so long as it is you who is logging into your account, you are welcome to do so from wherever you wish. I hope that has been of some clarification, but let us know if you have any other questions. :)
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 10:53:23 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Transfering to europe- History follows?

Q u o t e:
Pavo did you post then delete? ;P

I forgot to answer your question from the other thread. You saw nothing! :P
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 11:19:30 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Transfering to europe- History follows?

Q u o t e:
If I give away 9 of these accounts, and keep one for myself. If say, the other 9 accounts get into trouble, is the 10th one COMPLETELY SAFE if I did nothing wrong on it?

If a player repeatedly violates our Terms of Use, the account -- or accounts -- for which he or she is the registered user may be subject to penalties up to, and including, closure.
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